Saturday, October 3, 2009

EyePalUSA Pinhole Sighting System


  1. Hey! Get sighted in for some good iron-sight shooting. With over 2000 customers, it's time to shout out about your experience with EyePal. How has your vision and shooting improved?

  2. EyePal at the CMP
    Last summer EyePal was approved for CMP National Match competition. The EyePal Sighting System works at 800 yard distances while making the M1 Garand ring aperture clean and crisp. It's all about seeing three elements in focus at the same time. Depth of Field rules! Works with all glasses and prescriptions. Get it at and get sighted in. Made in USA and it's unbeatable.

  3. The EyePal Pinhole Sighting System is a co-sponsor at the 2011 CMP National Trophy Pistol, Rifle and Games Matches along with Colt, Glock and Springfield Armory. EyePal produces a clear sight picture that's hard to beat for iron-sight competition shooting. Reflex, red-dots and lasers are in perfect focus every time, no matter what your Rx may be. Even natural 20/15 eyes don't have Depth of Field. Archers are amazed. EyePal - guaranteed performance - getting you back to the range.

  4. EyePal® Pinhole Sighting System co-sponsor at the 2011 CMP National Trophy Matches

    This summer, the Resident Artist Studio, LLC, was a co-sponsor at the CMP National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches held at Camp Perry, Ohio.
    The RAS's product, the EyePal Pinhole Sighting System, is a CMP approved National Match sighting system for Rifle and Handgun competition.

    See for more information.
